best speaker cables in the 2k to 3k range ?

considering the Nordost Heimdall or the Audioquest MontBlanc.Or any other cable that would do justice at that price range.Using Bat amp and preamp into Audio Physics Scorpios.What is the opinion out there..thank you
I would recommend puting on your audition list Acoustic Zen Absolute speaker wire. It took me about another $3500.00 to beat its performance sonicly in my system.
Their is currently a pair of Jorma #1 being offered for $3500.00, on Audiogon. It retails for over $5000.00. You might be able to purchase it for less than the $3500.00 asking price. This is some of the best speaker cable that I have heard.
Don't overlook a home audition of Reality cables. You can find out if you like them, and if not return them.