Bi-wiring with different metals?

Is there any merit in using different metals for biwiring speakers (for example, silver to the tweeters and heavy copper to woofers), or is this likely to cause phasing problems?
I haven't tried it yet, but just after your thoughts.
Were you able to ever conduct Musicnoise's experiment? What were your results? Has anyone been able to do the test above and care to share their results? It sounds really cool but I could never execute it. No time or patience on my part. I'm getting listening fatigue from my system right now and it may be the new Zu Wax SCs I just got. I'm just starting the 200-300 hour break-in time. If the fatigue doesn't subside after some time I was thinking about using silver SCs on the highs of my Kefs and the Zu Wax on the lows. They are really nice well built cables.
I have a pair of PS Audio XStream Statement Bi-Wire speaker cables. Bought 'em on closeout in 2005, so they were probably a 2003 or so product. When they were manufactured, they were the only cables designed specifically for bi-wiring. That is, the bass run was optimized for LF transmission and the treble run was optimized for midrange/treble. As such, the bass includes 3 or so very thick solid core copper conductors making for about a 6 ga. conductor. The treble run consists of smaller strands of silver-plated copper. For my bi-wirable Mirage M5si's they were just what I was looking for. They soundly trumped the MIT MH-750 double run I'd used before, and the signal transfer is so efficient I no longer felt a need to bi-amp these speakers.

The transparency and immediacy of the speakers improved significantly and the imaging and treble are very nice. Physically these cables are ridiculous--2" diameter and they weigh about 2 lbs. per foot per side. The cable is so heavy it's been known to snap off the banana plugs and I use a C-clamp to keep the cable from pulling my center channel speaker off its shelf.

But the sound makes 'em worth it.
It is just vaguely possible for thermoelectric effects to be audible. Probably NOT on speakers, but almost certainly on MC phono, where such effects could amount to a couple MV DC.