Less mechanical sound, more body and then it sounds much more open. You can impossible judge an cable without the burn-in time.
It's a very detailed and open cable, and with a beautiful clarity. I haven't heard the Blue Heaven speakercable, but I've heard the Red Dawn rev.2 speakercable and XLR interconnect, and it have the same sonic characters as the Blue Heaven interconnect, just a little better (but also more expensive).
Less mechanical sound, more body and then it sounds much more open. You can impossible judge an cable without the burn-in time.
It's a very detailed and open cable, and with a beautiful clarity. I haven't heard the Blue Heaven speakercable, but I've heard the Red Dawn rev.2 speakercable and XLR interconnect, and it have the same sonic characters as the Blue Heaven interconnect, just a little better (but also more expensive).