Schiit Gungnir DAC - anyone have one of these?

I'm looking at a new DAC and this one is peeking my interest a lot.

Is there anyone out there than can provide some feedback as to their performance or DAC's they're comparable too

I know nothing of Schiit as a company, but the appear to have a very focussed product line - something I like in a company

Many thanks
If you try one get it from someplace like Audio Advisors so you can demo it for a reasonable period of time without risking much. I think I have a fairly laid back system due to my tube integrated and although the Gungnir gave me some 'wow' moments I found it hard to listen to overall (glare?)for more than a little while. I settled on the PS Audio NuWave which I think is way better for approx the same $$$ and nicer to look at to boot.
Dragon 1952 - thanks for the feedback - what's your system consist of? (please include interconnects used)

Many Thanks goes my credibility :^ /
Ming Da MC88-C integrated (KT-88 tubed w/active pre-amp), SB Touch w/ Welborne P/S and EDO installed, PS Audio NuWave connected to Touch via custom USB w/ separated power conductor, NuWave to integrated via Blue Jeans LC-1 IC's, Martin Logan Source speakers w/ Kimber 8VS wire. Please don't dis the BJ LC-1's, they are excellent IC's and I've been in the hobby for nearly 40 yrs.
dragon1952 - never dis someone unless you are above dissing!

Insight is better than no site so understanding your environment is paramount to understanding what performance I MIGHT expect with differing components.

BJ's gets a lot of good press here and until I hear some I'll make no comments.

So how do you find the dynamics of the PS Nu Wave compared to the Schiit?

Since PS is heavy into power I would assume they would be very dynamic also

I just heard the Mytek and it was spatially very impressive and very dynamic, but not as musical as the Chord QuteHD, which I heard yesterday.

Maybe the dynamics in the Schiit is what fatigued you?
