Synergistic Research Tesla x4 speaker cable

Anyone have experience with these? I am auditioning them along with a few others right now and they sound so odd that I am concerned that the pair i was sent might be defective.
They sound like I have on headphones. no real central image. I am aware of sound from each side but no image in the middle.
thanks in advance for any insight!
I have the coupler on the amp end. thx! I thought that ozzy was saying that the coupler and the cables had a dedicated "Left" and "Right" as well.

Gonna also try the SR Accelerator and the PAD advance.
Actually it is directional. The plug needs to be plugged kn in the upright position.Should be easy to tell the correct orientation..
Ok, I think I get it ozzy. It isn't that the two connectors that come off of the plug and connect to the amp end of the cables are specific, it is that the wall plug must be right side up.

Hi Ozzy, r u saying that the spade connection/banana insertion must be oriented so that the minicoupler plug is in the upright position? If so, I'm wondering how that would affect the SCs performance?

:) listening,


I sure hope I am answering the right questions. I am sorry if I implied anything about the bananna plug orientation.

The mini coupler AC adapter needs to be plugged in with the mini coupler AC adapter upright into the wall outlet. My Mini coupler AC adapter has a Synergistic logo on it, so it is easy to tell the right way.

I originally had one of my interconnects mini couplers AC Adapters upside down and it did affect the sound as was descibed in the original post, sort of a out of phase sound.

Best I can say is it is designed to charge the ground shield not the other way.

The speaker cables also have a positive and negative leg that needs to be charged the correct way.