I have recently upgraded my Audioquest Topaz XLR interconnects from my amp to preamp and from my preamp to my CD player with Audioquest Cobra XLRs. I was expecting to hear a substantial difference based on the significant price difference between these cables but I hardly noticed any difference at all. If I need to break in the interconnects to have an apples to apples comparison I would appreciate tips on how to do so. Currently, I have a CD playing on repeat. How long will the break in period take and can I expect to observe a substantial difference? Your help would be greatly appreciated.
The more I learn about hi end audio cables the more I realize that price and promotion are the two worst indicators of sonic performance. having said that, I usually break in new cables by playing digital music from my sat receiver through them when I'm gone during the day. That way I'm not putting wear on any of my source gear. You can do the same thing with an old fm receiver, but digital covers a wider spectrum of the audio frequency and there aren't as many commercials so you get more burn in time per hour.
I usually break in new cables by playing digital music from my sat receiver through them when I'm gone during the day.
This is an excellent idea. If you want your cables to burn in and sound energetic then you simply set it to a sports channel. If you want your cables to sound smooth, romantic and liquid then you set it to the Soap Opera channel. For a more laid back sound then you could simply switch to
yeah, that is kind of silly in hindsight. You get the idea though. Let disposable equipment do the lifting, use the your good gear for listening, and go to shadornes house to listen to the soap opera channel.
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