Synergistic Research Acoustic vs Precision Refere?

I have been using Cardas Golden Reference speaker wire between JRDG 312 and Vienna Mahlers. Now considering a speaker wire change. . . perhaps to a Synergistic Research product like the Acoustic Reference or the Precision Reference. If you have had the opportunity of listening to these 2 SR wires, how would you characterize their sonic difference?

The rest of my system consists of Esoteric X-01 Limited + Purist Anniversary PC, JRDG Capri + Shunyata Anaconda Alpha Helix, Sky XLR ICs. I listen to 60% chamber music, 30% orchestra, 10% female vocalists and other genres.
I have the Apex inteconnect and Speaker cables they replaced SR Designers Rererence much more detail, tighter image, without any brightness or bloating, You can check out my system as well as a mini review by doing a search.
i have tried both the acoustic ref and pr in my system and have purchased pr and apex. SR cables , for me, are incredible. the top of the line apex is essentially a double ar-- the ar is warmer, rounder, more colored sound--the pr is just that, more precise, more delineated-i use pr from pre to amp and apex from amp to speaker as well as from phonostage to pre----but don't listen to any of us- listen to the cables in your system-call paul at the cable co and audition them and let your ears decide.
Thank you Slvrtravel, info very much appreciated. From your characterization, I suspect PR may in the end be more of my preference for speaker wires than AR. G.
Aside from Synergistic, why not have The Cable Company send you a pair of JPS Superconductor 3 for audition. I think you'll be very impressed.
Thank you Opus, JPS, Purist, AQ etc. . . are not being excluded, however, I would like to discuss very specifically AR vs PR on this particular thread. G