Do speaker cables really matter?

Hell yes!

Been running a double run of Kimber 8TC from SimAudio W-6 monoblocks to my Aerial Acoustics Model 9 speakers. Had for a few months wondered if the speaker cable was the weakest link in my system at this point. Really struggled with the question speaker cable really mattered or is it all snake oil? I'm here to say, "It matters. It really, really matters!"

Picked up a pair of MIT Shotgun S1 bi-wire (thanks, Joe!) and switched them out yesterday. Wow! My system is blowing up! I thought Aerial had simply rolled off the highest of the highs. No, they were there all the time but the 8TC was 'veiling' it. Also, they speakers have become slightly more forward, which is a good thing. Overall improvement up and down the scale. Soundstage has increased dramatically. Almost sounds as if a bedsheet has been sitting over my speakers the last few months and now it's been removed. They hairs on my arms lift up when listening, now. I truly didn't think it would make such a difference and thought I would post that it did. It really did. Can't imagine what will happen as they break in.

I hope posting this helps a few members who are sitting on the fence. Was considering The Cable Company library to try a few but didn't want to wait. Too impatient.
Remaking old connections or using fresh new anything often makes an appreciable difference too.
Unfortunately cables do make a difference. With regard to Julian Hirsch, and all due respect, the demise of his mag was due to his lack of hearing, and or unwillingness to listen....good advice to ignore all the naysayers. Stranded sounds different than solid, copper different than silver, different than silver plated copper. More money does not mean better sound. Cables all have capacitance, resistance, conductance. Numerous blind tests have been done and cables accurately identified in statistically significant numbers. Some cables are very high in capacitance so those I would beware of.
hi frederick21:

several years ago, i auditioned kimber cable interconnects, power cords and speaker cable. included were the 8tc speaker cable.

i did not notice any veil. rather, i found the cable to emphasize the lower treble frequencies.
Unfortunately cables do make a difference.

Agreed. Unfortunate. How about bi-wiring? This article is an interesting discussion of speaker cable issues (back EMF and IM distortion due to speaker driver non linearities and coil impedance). The prevalence of long voice coil in short magnetic gap drivers means that speakers have a high degree of non-linearity and audible IMD distortion is more or less inevitable. The article recommends short wires and bi-wiring to try and reduce issues. It is an interesting article because it discusses the system as a whole rather than attributing audible properties to wires...
As to the reference to adding a cable containing a passive filter. Clearly, adding a filter will affect the sound because it limits, attenuates, or shifts in phase the frequencies being transduced by the speaker. Referring to such as a "cable" is not accurate but so long as the manufacturer makes it clear that filtering is being added, I see no ethical issue.

This brings up what I believe to be two broad and different approaches, or goals, of home audio. (1) A goal of achieving the most accurate sound reproduction. I.e., the sound should be the same as the sound recorded on the medium, and ultimately, the same as the sound that existed at the time of the recording (this last nuance only comes into play when dediding on vinyl vs cd vs whatever other medium is or comes available). (2) A goal of achieving a sound that the individual finds most pleasing. Part and parcel to this approach is to treat the audio system as a musical instrument in and of itself. In my opinion, the popularity of tube equipment is driven by adherents to this approach.

I beleive that both approaches are valid. Just different.

Inserting a generic filter between the amplifier and the speaker drivers or crossovers is an example of the second approach. Choosing a generic filter- one not made for the specific speaker - is not consistent with the first approach. Inserting a filter between the amp and speaker (which in this case is equivalent to changing the properties of the speaker) could be a step in the direction of better accuracy, but in such case one would need to design the filter for that particular model speaker and to an extent, that particular model amplifier. At that point, it makes more sense to just design a completely custom set of speakers and place the filtering either in the speaker cabinet or in the amplifier.