2 Acoustic Zen Silver Reference II IC's too much?

I had Acoustic Zen Silver Reference II XLR IC between my McIntosh 301 and McIntosh 6900 with great results (well, maybe I would prefer a slightly softer sound). Now 6900 is gone and it's upgraded to 402 power amp. Most likely it will be paired with C46. C46 has a rather "warm sounding" repuation so I'm thinking about getting another Silver Reference. Or maybe it will be way too bright and I need a Matrix Reference IC?
My speakers are Sonus Faber Golden Reference. It's not that I'm afraid of brightness (with McIntosh 301-6900 with on Silver Reference IC between the source and the integrated it was not an issue) - but cymbals have a certain "silvery" coloration and I would prefer a more natural "bronze" sound.
that coloration is exactly what I was talking about when I said the sound was artificial. I'd stay away from an all Silver Ref II config. Mix and match and you will prob get better results.