SR Tesla PowerCell or Dedicated Circuits ????

I am really interested in the Synergistic Powercell after enjoying much success with the Tesla Cables.

Presently, I have 3 dedicated circuits.
*One circuit is for all my Video which is plugged into a Hydra 8.
*One circuit for my CD Player and Preamp.
*One Circuit for my Amplifier.

So my question is this.

Can using the SR Powercell with using just one wall outlet while plugging everything into it be better than using the present 3 dedicated circuits ?

My past experience with any conditioner says no.

There is nothing on the SR website.

I have a Pass Labs X350.5 Amp, a Pass Labs XP-10 Preamp and a Cary 306 SACD player.
It will be a simple experiment to determine how your system sounds best- everything plugged into one PowerCell which is plugged into one circuit, or your line level components plugged into one PowerCell with you amps plugged directly into another circuit.

For the record, the PowerCell will not limit the current of one circuit; it would not even limit the current of TWO circuits (if this were possible). It will however not create more current then exists on one circuit.

The question is, will one of your circuits be enough to power your entire system, not can the PowerCell handle your systems current demands. The way I see it you should start by plugging your entire system into one PowerCell and then disconnect only your amplifiers and plug them directly into your other circuit. If your amps exceed the headroom of one circuit then you will need the power of an additional circuit. Though this is very uncommon, there are a few power hungry amplifiers that actually need all 20 amps. Even if this is the case, my guess is your system will take a dramatic leap forward from where you are now.

Yours in music,
Ted Denney III
Ted, Thank you for the reply. What you have written about the capacity of one outlet circuit makes sense.

I have tried all of my equipment on one outlet, and yes, they will work electrically, without the breaker tripping.
However, using any power conditioner, like the Hydra 8 was definitly not as good thing as compared to going direct to the 3 dedicated wall outlets.
The sound was sort of compressed, just like in my original posting question.

After 4-5 months, and 3 dealers, one would think I would have been able to audtion a power cell.
To be totally honest here, the powercell is way too expensive to just buy and hope for the best.
And I would be disappointed if it only worked on my front end equipment.
We have numerous dealers that facilitate auditions. Please PM me if you need a recommendation. By the way, for a limited time when you audition a PowerCells they come standard with a Teslaplex that you can keep even if you do not make a purchase.

Yours in music,
Ted Denney III
Lead Designer, Synergistic Research Inc.
Hey Ozzy,

Are you going to try a Powercell? I'm interested to hear about your findings.

My powercell SE is on its way and I should have it next week.

Thanks to Ted and one of his dealers ,I just got a power cell to try yesterday .