cable doubter no more

i was once one that thought high end cables were just a waste of money. i upgraded my system and purchased all ps audio cables. these were replacing signal cables, i heard a clear improvment. i was satisfied, and believed my currant componenets were as good as it would get with them. i then went to the R.M.A.F. and lusted after all the great sounding gear. but my ears were bigger than my wallet. but after finding some good deals on some dh labs revelations, and a set of analysis plus blackovals, my system has been transformed. im talking a good 20% by 2 sets of interconnects and a set of speaker cables. im blown away by the improvement. to all you cable doubters out there sorry YOU ARE WRONG !! just wanted to get that out there , thanks for reading.
Jrw40 I'm still as excited as the last time I posted here! It seems we had components that were being constrained by our cables so the improvements were startling to us!!!! I know what I experienced, you know what you experienced, our reactions sound similar and no one can tell us what happened didn't!!!!
Zieman, of course, is an Analyis Plus dealer and to not disclose that is both unprofessional and unethical.

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Your snide comment is irrelevant Dslop.

I didn't mention and/or endorse any line or product.

Nice try.