speaker cables for callisto speakers

recently i bought a pair of Audio Magic Xstreme cables for use with the callisto's and although the sound seams cleaner the soundstage became smaller and the detail and dynamics also diminished quite a bit, the cables they replaced was Analysis plus Oval 9, the rest of my gear is
Audio Research LS-2 preamp, Aragon A-200 amp, Rega Saturn cd player, Green Mountain Audio Hammer lite Sub and various cables by Analysis plus, I would really appreciate any suggestions .
Was this a new cable? break-in? Cables usually take about three days to "settle",or it's possible that there is a synergy problem.
I've had the cable for at least a month , I bought the cable on a friend's recommendation but it just doesn't work on my system , any suggestions ?
Time to swap out those cables.Had you thought about the Grover Huffman cables?