speaker cables for callisto speakers

recently i bought a pair of Audio Magic Xstreme cables for use with the callisto's and although the sound seams cleaner the soundstage became smaller and the detail and dynamics also diminished quite a bit, the cables they replaced was Analysis plus Oval 9, the rest of my gear is
Audio Research LS-2 preamp, Aragon A-200 amp, Rega Saturn cd player, Green Mountain Audio Hammer lite Sub and various cables by Analysis plus, I would really appreciate any suggestions .
I've had the cable for at least a month , I bought the cable on a friend's recommendation but it just doesn't work on my system , any suggestions ?
Time to swap out those cables.Had you thought about the Grover Huffman cables?
Google:Grover Huffman cables.There are a set of cables from this manufacturer on AGon.Maybe they provided a "link".
what about Stereovox Firebird has anyone heard this cables and how do they fare against other cables from Audio Magic, Analysis Plus, Grover Huffman please any help will be greatly appreciated.