Why Transparent Cable? for Wilsons.... options?

Well this is the situation being cheap I guess!

Using Wilson Sophia's with my Krell system, love it.
Using the Transparent Super at the moment for speaker cables. Everyone says I should move up, like the Ultra at least.
Have you guys tried anything else on your Wilson and worked well? My reference system once used Au24 ONLY and it was my favourite cable ever, till I got the Wilson.
They dont work well IMO and not sure why. Even the Super(lowest line of Transparent) works amazingly with the Wilsons. For me to jump to the Ultra is going to cost me over a grand, thats the problem. Its expansive enough for me right now with the Super and thinking may be there are other options that wont exceed 1k on top of what I have now.

Any advise is appreciated.
Harmonic Technology is often overlooked. I've known Jim Wang since he began his company back in the 90's. Their products are superior to most cable companies....especially their best copper cables, Truth Link and Pro-9 Reference spkr cables:)
>>Their products are superior to most cable companies<<

Please list the companies you feel that are bested by their products. And if we assume wires are system dependent what does superior mean? Please clarify.

Thanks in advance.

This should be interesting.
Audiofeil, do you have a therapist? You certainly need some conflict management training. What happened to you as a child to make you so confrontational? Wow, relax and play nice. We all have life experiences and favorite toys. It seems that anything anyone states is put through your mental grist mill and discarded as worthless drival. We all like what we like and that's it...you simply need to try the HT stuff through the cable company to decide if what I say has merit or not:) Everything depends on evrything else; system synergy is of course the ultimate question mark for all things audio. Despite this fact of life, HT wires are simply well made pure connections that will benefit any high quality system...individual mileage may vary. As I've said before, most of my recommendations seem to have staying power and a high level of audiophile interest over many years...Jim Wang at HT is backed up for weeks with new orders. Gee, I wonder why?
You're funny Dave.

Don't divert the issue here.

Please support your contentions. You said their product are superior.

Don't get sidetracked with amateur psychology along with your amateur audio crap.
I don't think anything I (or most others) have to say will meet with your approval Audiofeil. Quite frankly, I have no deep seated need to seek your vindication or pass some sort of audio inquisition. As you know, I have favored MIT and Transparent over the years, but have relied extensively on my local dealers and the cable company to evaluate many brands. Some of the names include Shunyata, XLO, Nordost, Purist, Mapleshade, Cardas, Analysis Plus, Alpha Core, Kimber, Monster Sigma, Signal Cable, Synergistic research, PS Audio...alot! HT offers as good or better of a product at a very competitive price point for each level of cable they produce. They are pure sounding, dynamic and extended with terrific definition...no mysticism or alternative laws of physics are used, just high quality single crystal wire with a quality design. Reviews are available online for further illumination. Of course we could all just save some time and ask you what we should use instead.