Why Transparent Cable? for Wilsons.... options?

Well this is the situation being cheap I guess!

Using Wilson Sophia's with my Krell system, love it.
Using the Transparent Super at the moment for speaker cables. Everyone says I should move up, like the Ultra at least.
Have you guys tried anything else on your Wilson and worked well? My reference system once used Au24 ONLY and it was my favourite cable ever, till I got the Wilson.
They dont work well IMO and not sure why. Even the Super(lowest line of Transparent) works amazingly with the Wilsons. For me to jump to the Ultra is going to cost me over a grand, thats the problem. Its expansive enough for me right now with the Super and thinking may be there are other options that wont exceed 1k on top of what I have now.

Any advise is appreciated.
This was your statement Dave:
"Their products are superior to most cable companies"

I asked you to support it and you've danced, diverted, and yakked about anything you could to avoid the issue.

Now, address your contention and stop bloviating.

Talk is cheap and you appear to be bankrupt.
dave, i think you're finding (as i did) that audiofeil is about as pleasant as a root canal and as open minded as the amish. i recall he emailed me privately during a disagreement (mature people have those things) to swear and antagonize me, and then blocked replies. quite a guy you're debating with!!!
Rhyno, of course, is a reviewer which means he knows very little about audio subject matter but is basically a wordsmith.

An expert with a keyboard if you will.
I should have said (which I think can be inferred) that I BELIEVE HT cables are superior to many other cable brands. Fahoo Dore Mr. Grinch and a happy New year!!

That's what you should have said.

Any particular cable can be superior to another with a given system component mix and listener.

No coal in your stocking this year and happy holidays to you.