Audio Output Cables to Preamp

I have been out of the loop for quite a while so I need to lean on you guys for some advice. I need some recommendations on interconnects from a new plasma HDTV to a Audio Research SP-16 preamp. Since neither my TV nor my DVD player are my main source of audio enjoyment, I want to keep the price reasonable.

Thanks for your help.

A good HDMI is available from MONO PRICE for $9.95. Better ones are much more expensive so you might want to try this first. I don't agree that any IC will work but you don't have to spend a lot, look at good used ones on Audiogon. If you want to buy new Supra has a good rep. for both and is not too high.
I agree with the HDMI to TV link from DVD. Also placing a pair of ICs from the cable box or DVD (or both) to the preamp is the ticket. Audio Art, and Voodoo Cables make some nice inexpensive interconnects that do a great job. Naturally, more $$$ will get you more there too.

it's redundant to run ICs from the TV back to the preamp... unless you are running an outside antenna setup, and quality will suffer.
I agree. My plan is to connect the Oppo DV-980H player to the TV via HDMI. Since my Audio Research Sp-16 does not have an HDMI socket, I will use ICs from the DVD player to the preamp.

ICs from Blue Jeans Cables or Monoprice have been suggested.

Thank you!