Anyone have any experience with the Tunami GPX-R ?

Apparently the GPX-R will be terminated with Oyaide 004 plugs. The price will be $475. Are there any other differences ?
Ag insider logo xs@2xaldavis
I own two GPX-R (white plugs; for power distributor and integrated amp) and I am waiting for a third one for my digital source (instead of the GPX, red plugs).

GPX is a very dynamic cable with a strong mid-bass but it hides some microdetails in the higher frequencies, resulting a "dark", "warm" sound.
Recommended for systems weak in the bass and/or too bright/harsh on the top.

GPX-R shows even better dynamics, great bass strenght and definition, real neutrality with very good details, focus and soundstage, an almost universal cable, recommended for all systems.
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The difference you mention between GPX and GPX-R is interesting. It is the same exact cable. The only difference is the connectors.