most important?

In theory if you had two cables, one good and one bad, how should you use them? Which config will effect sound the most....ic from source to pre-amp or ic from pre-amp to amp? My first thought would be to use the "good" cable from the source to the pre-amp, following the "can't get better than the source" theory. But if you're choking the amp off it may not matter how good the source is. Just curious.
I've found for my own tastes and systems that having an most revealing, finely resolving cable up front, one can usually step down at least one level thereafter... like if you are using all of one brand cabling. RMV

The term best interconnect here is disturbing too. Best why? Best how? Good and bad too are confusing words when it comes to subjective assessments.

I found early on as a general rule only... the more money spent on wire (to a point) the better it worked or sounded, by and large. this isn't to say merely throw money at it and assign cables to positons based on price tags alone. There are more considerations than that. you really do have to try some for yourself.

I have 3 ICs I can move around in my 2ch rig, as either source or mains. Each pair has it's own voice. Moving them around changes things from a little to a lot. Each combo yeilds a differnet take on the music.

Maybe you would want to give the Cable Co. a call and try a few different types to get a feel for what's out there and how your system will respond to cable changes.
Good point guys. Totally agreeing with John and Blindjm I will add that for me the link that seems to make the most difference in terms of really snapping the soundstage in place is from preamp to my amps. I own several cables and 2 that have stood out over all others is Kimber 1021 with nextgen and MIT 350 SG EVO. YM will certainly vary as you have no doubt noticed there are 100's of brands of cables that serve the purpose for someone!
The number of brands, models and itterations of models is mind numbing. It's impossible to try em all. Just get in where you fit in, for the most part with cabling. Many do a good job. Whn I find some that do really well for me & mine, I hold onto them.

Being OK with from 'very good' to 'excellent' isbn't too tuff a task for me.