Can anyone explain cable risers?

Can anyone explain why cable risers do or dont work to improve the sound. Thanks.
Tried some home-made ones. Couldn't tell the difference with or without. Try it yourself. You'll never know...
I think everybody has mentioned why they don't or do use them. I think the op needs us to explain(see the OP)what they do. So here is and explanation. Cables risers raise the cable off the floor. Got it so far? In doing so they dignify the lowly cable to audiophile status. It becomes not like a lowly beast of burden but something for the eye to behold and cause you to say 'you are my cables aren't you?'. Then it makes the cable feel important and in turn the it makes the owner feel proud. So to choose your 'raisers of the cable' whether it is toilet paper rolls or gold bars my recommendation is ask yourself how important do you want to feel. It is all in how you treat your cables I tell ya. So raise yourself up you noise lover and getcha some pretty cables rasiers.
" something for the eye to behold and cause you to say 'you are my cables aren't you?'. Then it makes the cable feel important and in turn the it makes the owner feel proud"

Does this apply to Elizabeth and her cables? Remember, they be on toilet paper thingys. :)
Cable risers reduce structural vibration including seismic vibration. They also look cool.