Has anyone tried Blue Jeans Cable LC-1 RCA IC?

I have and it seems to work very well, at least as well as my other more expensive ICs. Has anyone else tried it?

I have some nice "high-end" speaker cables and power cords. I can hear the differences they make. I can also hear the differences of various damping tweaks. However, with RCA ICs, the BJC LC-1 seems to work just as well as my Reality Cable and Canary ICs, and is better than some other high-end ICs I tried.

I used to be a Beta tester for a guy who makes cryo'ed RCA ICs. I could hear the differences among various versions of his ICs. But a pair of $30 ICs is as good as these 10X more expensive? Did I miss anything?
"Yeah, $270.00."

Good math, but poor logic. If I did not spend the $270, how could I have missed it? LOL....

Nice try! :-)
I feel sometimes (a lot of times) the joke is on us, the audio geeks, with the outrageous price of admission on 'high-end' gear. Last time I bought new was internet direct. Every purchase after that was from agon.

Could be they just work well with your system. I can see how you would scratch your head though. Maybe try a blind A/B with friends? in the end, whatever sounds the best, is the best.
Hi, I got 'em.

Last year, just for curiousity, I purchased a pair of that analog interconnect LC-1 from BlueJeanCable.com just to see how they stand against the world of high end audio cables.

Long story short, yes, I like them. As matter of fact, I still have them on right now. Being having them on my system have no any means that I do not know how to enjoy "high end cables". I just like changing the seassonings on my stakes from time to time.

So, how do they sound? I say they'd probably sound like Cardas or MIT; very smooth and rounded. Not so bright and details as Nordost but I wouldn't call them "warm" either. Unlike any other ordinary "cheapies", the LC-1have a little "taste of high end" as well. For $30, they're great value and affordable cables. Highly recommend.

I also purchased the, once recommended by Stereophile, digital coaxial Canare LV-61S (single shield 24awg) and the LV-77S (double shield 22awg). I like them both. Those digital Canare cables are body printed "made in Japan". I instantly acknowledge the Japan's very high quality: deeper black, smoother, and softer rubber body. Better feel, prettier, and flexier than the Belden LC1. All three models were terminated by very nice, heavy, and well design Canare RCA fittings. Reason I say "well design" here is because they feel very nice and smooth when they were being inserted inside the female connectors. You know that feelings.....

They may don't look that good in pictures though but give yourself a try and you'd probably scratching your head wondering why the heck BJC would sell them for such at low price. Very fast delivery too.