Tel wire vs Lessloos

Anyone compare these two Power cords?
I prefer the TelWire to the LessLoss, the above observation by Shreod is really good. So is the insightful review by David. The somewhat lean characteristics of TelWire seem aggrevated with components that draws higher current, but Chris of TelWire just launched a high current verison of the PC which hopefully will ameliorate the issue.
Obviously based on the review I wrote, I ultimately preferred the TelWire to the LessLoss.I did not experience that bloom that Ted is experiencing so it will be interesting to see if it remains. At first I thought it was less detailed then the LessLoss however what I realized was a few things:
1. I needed to turn the volume up slightly louder with the TelWire than the LessLoss and all detail immediately returned.
2. The LessLoss had more of a forward/attacking sound which at first I liked. but once I went back to it after the TelWire I found it fatiguing.
3. I find the TelWire more open on the top end.

The TelWire really added that effortless analog sound that I have stated in my writeup.
I have found them work well together. I use LessLoss on Transporter and TelWire on the preamp. LessLoss seems to work well with digital equipment as it filters out digital noises and reduces them back onto AC line.
Vett93, I have found the same. I like Tel Wire on analog equipment and Lessloss on digital, to over-simplify. Both are top notch, incredibly well-built products.

I've become a huge believer in synergy, and now realize the umpteen variables involved. It's like mixing paint colors; start with a slightly different recipe and the dash of color looks great on your wall; on mine it looks like mud. At the end of the day, you need to sample on your own "wall".
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