Is Audiogon worth it?

I was just about to use AUDIOGON for the first time to sell my Hales System 2 Signatures when I read a few of the dispute posts. Now I'm not so sure. Who wants all those hassles? Maybe its better to do the sale locally, face to face, lose a few bucks maybe, but no hassles.
It's OK to sell here. It is actually one of the best places. It is like anything. Nobody posts good news. Just ignore the whiners.
like anything, do your homework and make smart decisions and things usually work out.
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I've had very good luck here at Audiogon, I've also met some very nice people. You will find some disputes and conflict on any marketplace website like this. The difference is most have found there transactions here pleasurable and some of us have met some great people along the way. I for one have had the best luck selling at Audiogon in comparison to the other audio websites.