NM cable for speakers

This is probably an off the wall question but here it goes. I am in need of new speaker cables and I am seeing adds for solid copper wire with fairly thin insulation. Some speaker cable companies are claiming this type of cable has less distortion. Has anyone ever tried romex NM cable for your speakers? You know, the wire thats probably in your house connecting your outlets to your circuit panel. Any reason this wouldn't work or wouldn't work well? I know it will be an eye sore for most because it will be visible, but in my situation the wire would be totally concealed.
It is available in 8, 10, 12 and 14 gauge as a two wire. There might be other sizes as well. I was thinking either 10 or 12 gauge.
Its 12, I think. One online reviewer , can't remember who, uses Romex for his speakers and claims it is great. I use short lengths for jumpers. Its cheap , try it.