Anyone still playing on Cassette decks?

To make my last week short story:
My anesthesia professor gave me some conferences on tapes about 80, I was so curious that I went online right away searching for a decent deck at a good price, but locally I found a guy selling a Yamaha KX-390, he was asking $40, I offered $25 he took it!
I came home all the types were ok, but I start wondering how music tapes will sound trough my harbeth/luxman combo, I remembered that but mistake I ordered a cowboy Junkies album
on amazon, i put it on, an i have been amaze how satisfying tapes could be still, on times where people are looking for HD tracks...
Wondering if any of you will excellent TT and DACs comp based systems, still feel joy playing tapes?

Now i am trying to look for a better deck and studio recorded cassettes in good condition, i want to give a try to the format again, I realized that I enjoying changing formats and sources on my set up.

A good cassette deck advice will be highly appreciated.

Regards to you all.
I now have a H/K TD392 and an AIWA ADF-660 both 3 head cassette decks, both picked up for a song and dance and also recently inherited about 500 cassettes too, mostly recorded, not pre-recorded cassettes. Now to find some nice storage racks for them.
Enjoying Exit...Stage Left while writing this morning on a Nakamichi BX300. Sounds killer. Replaced all the rubber on this fine deck and it sings. Paid a mere $200 for it in mint condition.

Have a Nak Dragon currently being serviced at Willy Hermann's. Along with vinyl, this is analog heaven and cassettes were quite good provided the playback gear is up to extracting the full frequency response on the tape. Nakamichi's 3 head decks certainly do so, plus their output sections are higher current and have larger power supplies than many other competing designs. Plus, the Dolby sections are implemented correctly.

It is really positively remarakable how far this format developed and progressed.
I never liked cassettes even when they were popular. Jeez I'm glad those things finally died off. To me, the only thing they were good for back then was for making tapes for my car. Before cd's arrived, in my house, I only played vinyl and reel to reel.
I don't have mine hooked up at present but I think it's fine for older pop stuff. The better the source recording the less I want to hear it on cassette.