one of the problems with using adjectives is that they may be open ended, lacking precision.
such words have no universally accepted definition.
experience of sound is so subjective that there is likely to be disagreement as to whether or not a prpduct can be described in a certain way.
i think the terms, "warm", "laid back", "hi rez" and "focus", need to be defined. i sense a combination of a desire for accuracy (focus) and coloration (warmth). such a combination is indeed not possible.
such words have no universally accepted definition.
experience of sound is so subjective that there is likely to be disagreement as to whether or not a prpduct can be described in a certain way.
i think the terms, "warm", "laid back", "hi rez" and "focus", need to be defined. i sense a combination of a desire for accuracy (focus) and coloration (warmth). such a combination is indeed not possible.