If cables can break-in, can they then wear-out?

The phenomenon of cable break-in (is it really dielectric break-in?) must be physical to the cable/dielectric/insulator/termination, therefore will extended use wear out the cable?
I do not mean metal wear from plugging in and removing, either. I am assuming permanent installation.

In my opinion it's as much our ears getting acquainted as it is break-in.

count me in as a Beta tester. Please find my credit card details attached.

You mention the various types of metals you have had tested, but I would love to know your thoughts on Iron/iron hybrid cables.

Do you have an elixir for wifi connections too?
Iron interconnects, treated with unobtainium, become so transparent they can also be used as optical digital cables. The never wear out, or oxidize, once treated. Their only weakness is a propensity to attract spurious trepidary bipeds(from threads such as these). =;^)
The fix is to install VHF transponders as the RCA/XLR connections... on all conponents... then cables, aside from power cables, will no longer be necessary... eg., wireless headphones.

Eventually, when the send/receive units are evolved sufficiently for audiophiliac purposes, even the air itself won't be an issue.... better yet use ULTRA high freq as range won't be an issue.

Now I'm wondering why this or direct sight lasers/optics aren't the deal instead of wires for signal transmission??

Especially with Same Same conponent brands at least as an option.
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No they will not wear out if they are not abused or exposed to a detrimental environment. Break in is for real...unless your deaf of course IMHO