Any cable suggestions for my Thiel 2.4's?

I'm looking for the best IC,power cables and speaker cables for my Thiel 2.4's. Can aynbody give me their suggestions?
I have Thiel 2.4 driven by Parasound Halo JC1s and I can't imagine a better speaker cable than the Anti-Cables
I have just passed the 200 hours and they are Terrific!
Thank you all for your responses!!
I just wanted to let you know what my present system is.

Electrocompaniet ECI 4 fully balanced intergrated amp.

Esoteric SA-10 SACD player

Vincent CDS6 Mk cd player with both balanced and unbalanced outputs.

VPI Scout Turtable with Nordost Heimdall phono cable RCA

Wright Sound WPP200C phono preamp with a WMT phono Step Up Device.

PS Audio Premier Plant
The Electrocompaniet is a fine amp, but in mine and others experience, not the best match for Thiels. Despite EC's claims to the contrary, the Thiels impedance load is a rough ride for the EC's. BTW, the EC's are lovely with Meadowlarks.
Thanks Unsound for your response.

What would you suggest as an alternative/s to the Electrocompaniet?

Additionally, some have referred Purist Audio Design for my Thiel's. Does anyone have an opion on this suggestion?
