I thank you all for your reponses and input to my questions. I hope that we can maintain a friendly and opened minded discussion as pertaining to the theme/s of this thread. I, as well you, love and am fascinated by this hobby.
After I purchased my Thiels,I contacted Thiel Audio in the hope of getting suggestions on the best cables for the Thiels.I was given a list of manufacturers that in their opinion worked well with thier speakers including Alpha-Goertz,Kimber,Synergistic Research,Cardas among others.Then I spoke to one of the technical directors who tended towards Synergistic Research as a design that seemed to work well with their product.
I live and work as an opera singer here in Munich,Germany ( I come from Houston).At the 2008 Munich Highend Show, I met and spoke to the european distributor( out of Belgium) of Synergistic. He loaned me the Tesla Precision Ref. speaker cables to try on my system.I liked them quite alot but was not wowed by them.I guess I would have needed the intíre system connected with these cables to understand and appreciate them.I originally heard my speakers connected with Kimber KS series which was quite impressive although a bit on the bright side. In any event
I am using Einstein Superior Vivace cables which are from a previous system.
I contacted the Cable Company about their suggestions. Two different salesmen suggested three different companies. Synergistic Research,Goertz and Purist Audio. So this is where I am at the moment. I am going to try these cables in my system along with Kubala-Sosna.
By the way Unsound, I am going to be in Houston in may and am going to contact Threshold( which is located in Houston ) about their products and maybe a listening session. I hope that will work since I am a consumer. I didn't know that Nelson Pass was a founding engineer. Interesting!!
Does anyone have any opinions about Purist Audio on Thiels?