Computer vs CD/SACD discs

I am simplifying my system and getting out of vinyl. Actually sold all the vinyl and analog gear already. I was planning on going to computer audio and have been playing with it but really don't see the benefit over just slipping a disc into the tray. I also am getting a bit frustrated by all of the options of downloads, cables, inputs and opinions all over the place. I would welcome opinions thoughts on computer audio vs the old fashioned, putting a disc on the tray and pushing play. ( Streaming, I use spotify, exempted as this is a nice way to demo new music).
Speavler, I now have most of my 400 sacds on my harddrive in DSD and play them in native double DSD. My HD tracks are also played in double DSD as are my 700 cds. I'm using JRiver MC19 and controlling my music server Mac Mini 2011 with a Macbook Pro. The Mac app Remote was much easier, but Mac has abandoned better music.

The MC19 affords the opportunity to play a cd at 44/16 or at double native DSD. You hear such more music with double DSD that I only do this to demonstrate and never for my information.
08-02-14: Dbphd
When I was thinking of a used Ayre C-5xeMP, I posed the question of this thread to John Atkinson, who lists the Ayre as one of his sources. His reply was that for convenience he uses computer audio; for high quality audio he uses the Ayre.

I bought a used Ayre C-5xeMP. I have an unused Mac Mini connected to the asynchronous USB port of an Oppo BDP-105. The HD Tracks software wouldn't download when I purchased a Bach piece that seemed interesting. A fiend who is a computer audio enthusiast couldn't get it to download either and I haven't followed up.
Wow! John Atkinson. Mr. BIG. Now I'm convince. Computer audio is a BUST!

Is Stereophile still in business? I want to subscribe again and make my purchase decisions SOLELY on their recommended list.
Joecasey, I would agree that a music server is convenient especially relative to vinyl and even a player. But I find players the lowest quality and music servers and vinyl very close together. I don't know what his motivations are for saying this, but I find it ridiculous.
One huge advantage of PC-audio is that it never skips even completely ###### up CDs.
Czarivey writes, "One huge advantage of PC-audio is that it never skips even completely ###### up CDs." I would add that neither does my Ayre C-5xePM, Oppo BDP-105, or Sony XA5400ES.

The ignorant, sarcastic tone of the replies from Joecasey and TBG are what make me not want to post. Joecasey extends a post to the absurd; TBG generalizes to the point of making himself seem ridiculous -- I doubt he's experienced all disc players, all servers, or all vinyl needed to make such a blanket pronouncement.
