Why gold?

What is the big deal about coating your connectors with gold or silver?

I just bought a Yamaha M-40 amp that has a clean pair of steel RCA connectors. Am I missing out on some sonic advantages of Gold or Silver lining?
As usual: The inexperienced and unknowing, decrying experiments, conclusions and science from their pulpits of abject ignorance. You're welcome to "The Last Word!"
Haha, hey Elevick. No worries, I wouldn't use wire hangers... only if they were dipped in high quality gold :).

It really doesn't make sense to me that there would be any advantage beyond preventing corrosion. Reason being that right after the connector lies normal wire, without gold or silver... Orrrr am I off?
a way to answer this question:

create two sets of connectors. coat one with gold and leave the other uncoated. listen and then form an anecdotal judgment.

does anyone really care ?