Who Will Stand the Test of Time?

This morning I was listening to a wonderful record - Quartetto Italiano plays Early Italian Music - Cambini, Galuppi and Boccherini, all from the mid 1700s or so. Do you think there are any 20th century artists people will be listening to in the year 2300? For purposes of this thread, let's be optomistic and presume that society is not going to devolve into "Escape from New York", which it definitely will. But let's put that aside for now. BTW - If you like string quartets, Quartetto Italiano is really good.
I would not be surprised if people play John Williams (Star Wars, Jaws, Harry Potter, Jurassic Park, ET, etc)for a long time to come. I have noticed whether its Mozart, Beethoven or others...when anyone off the street can whistle a bit of the tune, that's a good sign. Think of Beethoven's 5th. As beautiful as lots of music is...there is something about his music which is both complex, beautiful, but also entirely memorable that has often made me wonder if it can stand the test of 300+ years of time.
Are you serious? There is sooooo much music which came from the 60s-70s and is so memorable, hummable, whatever, that we will be hearing those for centuries.

Certainly nor my favorite, but "Raindrops Keep Fallin' On My Head" just popped into mind - arrrggghhhh!

Rlawinwright...i hear you, but i have often thought about the music that has lasted since 1600s...much of it was composed for the Church, or for major patrons of the arts, or operas/choral productions. in other words, mediums with multiple applications which keep it in the public eye (and ear). Movie soundtracks are sort of that equivalent, and i sometimes think that is part of what keeps a piece of music going thru the ages. Choral, Requiems, operas...probably means Rodgers and Hammerstein is gonna keep going for a while?

I thought about the Beatles of course...its just that 400 years is a long time (ie time from Bach to today)...