thin, very flexible, warm sounding interconnect...

...that is not too fragile and won't break the bank (say less than $600 for a 1 M XLR pair).

Any thoughts? I am exploring a number of solid silver braided/unshielded interconnects. But I'm wondering if these all won't sound a bit on the lean side of things.

Your thoughts (as always) most appreciated.
Aural Harmony-Cryo Gold Alloy Sonnet Interconnect II XLR 1M Pr. $171.50 delivered.
Picked up a pair off of ebay. Outstanding IC's with a fantastic soundstage. Well worth a demo!.
The Zu audio Varial, its super flexible, very thin, feels like a rubber tube with just air in it, super light weight etc... Its a premium cable, good reviews on it if you look. Its very smooth open and to the warm side of the spectrum, also you get 90 day money back if you don't like it after burning it in for a couple months.
Crystal Cable. Can get much thinner or flexible..very smooth for silver too!


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There is a sale currently for 15% off and a 1 meter set will run you about $200.

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