Who Will Stand the Test of Time?

This morning I was listening to a wonderful record - Quartetto Italiano plays Early Italian Music - Cambini, Galuppi and Boccherini, all from the mid 1700s or so. Do you think there are any 20th century artists people will be listening to in the year 2300? For purposes of this thread, let's be optomistic and presume that society is not going to devolve into "Escape from New York", which it definitely will. But let's put that aside for now. BTW - If you like string quartets, Quartetto Italiano is really good.
Brownsfan is right on point. Not much I can add (or subtract) except:

Rogers and Hart
Stevie Wonder
Richard Strauss
The Beatles
Johnny Mandel
Ervin Berlin
Duke Ellington
Jerome Kern
Cole Porter
Wayne Shorter
Work out is over, sorry.......
I am good with much of that music, Frogman! Thanks. dont know Ades and Mandel but otherwise have music from all of the above.
this question is so subjective:

I think there is evidence that certain groups have lasted and are still "popular".

in the classical repertory, there are composers whose music is frequently played at concerts.

The classic groups of the 60's and 70's have survived.

we won't be around in 2300, so it does not matter.
Jmcgrogan2, My worst fear is that the movie Idiocracy is a forward looking documentary, in which case you may very well be right.

Schutz, Bach, Bach, Stamitz, Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven, Schubert, Bruckner, Mahler, Shostakovich, Madonna, Bieber, Swift--- I guess that sounds about right.

Our culture seems to be on a mission to prove Darwin wrong.