Uneven speaker cable lengths and cable termination


I'm getting new speakers that are single-wire only. This means I can't use my old MIT Terminator 2 cables, and need something new. My budget is limited as I've just spent all of it on the speakers :)

I'm not sure what the stance on cables is here on audiogon, so I hope I'm not starting a war :)
Anyway, I have some questions:

- Are equal lengths for both channels required? Is it possible to hear a difference? (my amp will be positioned to the left of the left side speaker, so I will need about a 4m run to the rightmost speaker. I was thinking of getting 4m and 2m runs)

- If I buy bare cable, is unsoldered termination helpful? The monster quicklock spades and bananas look really nice, but I wonder if they are worth the cost. (http://www.monstercable.com/productdisplay.asp?pin=4584)

My speakers are Audio Physic Scorpio II with Krell KAV-400xi btw. General recommendations are welcome.
I personally would get equal length prs. or lengths alittle closer together. (Say 4m/3m.) Not knowing the cost of the cables you are thinking about, but resale maybe difficult w/unequal lengths. I went to RS one day and they had the banana version of that connector. I thought they were an excellent design and sound just fine. (I got 2 prs. I had to use banana connector w/the spks, because the palastic nut on the bidding post got stripped.) Bare wire connection should be fine and most likely sound the best. Good Luck!
Assuming sufficient AWG, at those distances you cannot hear any difference and equal lengths are not required. If I were purchasing commercial speaker cable I'd probably buy equal lengths 'cause that's how most pairs are sold & re-sold. Otherwise I just might buy some bulk 10 or 12AWD at HD or Lowes, cut to needed length, and either go bare or terminate w/ bananas from places like Parts Express or even Monoprice. Those Monsters sure are purty, ma'am - but it's kinda hard to crawl behind my gear to show 'em off, y'know?
Keep the lengths as even as you can afford, but don't wind any excess into a coil. Doing so will form an inductor, and affect that channel's frequency response. Bare wire is fine- but disturb the connections often, as oxygen will have easier access than with spades. Unsoldered connectors offer another bare metal junction prone to corrosion, unless mechanically pressed(cold welded) into a high integrity bond. If you can fit it into your budget: Walker SST on all connections would serve you well. You'll get a lot of negative opinions in here from those that haven't tried SST(seems they can't help themselves). If you are able to hear the differences that an upgrade in your cables can make; you'll definitely appreciate the Walker products.
go Speltz anticable...it's just what you need, sounds great and easy on the wallet. Uneven lengths are fine.
I built a complete 5 channel rig using the Supra 3.4Ply cables advertised here on the Gon. This is their shielded model, they have others. This is a very impressive company that does all its own R&D and manufacturing in Sweden - highly regarded in the European buff books.

The cables are 1/2" diameter, very flexible, come jacketed and can be installed as is, though I put them in Techflex and used heat shrink to finish them off.

Uneven lengths all around. Contact Lars, lars@sjofnhifi.com, for the bulk rate which is very reasonable.

For convenience I terminated them with Audioquest CF BFA bananas. This is a Z plug as popularized by Nordost, in silver or gold over copper. They use set screws and do not require soldering. Because the Supra cables are tin over copper, you don't need to worry about oxidation. Pay careful attention to the product code (they make a number of different pieces) and shop around.

Much less mass then the Monsters and no brass for the same money.

There are lots of other choices of course - if you can solder, Luminous Audio makes a nice gold over copper spade for even less money.

It's a fun project and doesn't take long especially if you go bare wire...