Who Will Stand the Test of Time?

This morning I was listening to a wonderful record - Quartetto Italiano plays Early Italian Music - Cambini, Galuppi and Boccherini, all from the mid 1700s or so. Do you think there are any 20th century artists people will be listening to in the year 2300? For purposes of this thread, let's be optomistic and presume that society is not going to devolve into "Escape from New York", which it definitely will. But let's put that aside for now. BTW - If you like string quartets, Quartetto Italiano is really good.
Those thinkers were stupid then, hearing recorded Classical music only makes you thrist to hear the real thing.
I am a realist by nature like any good european, only americans use wretched terms like "optimist" .
Brownsfan, I have been told by a very gifted local retired horn player (30+ years in SW German Radio Orch)who was a sub in the St. Paul CO, that lack of audience was the main factor.
The SPCO wanted to start playing in the public schools gratis, but although the State of MN could come up with a billion dollars for the new Vikings stadium, no money could be found for that/them.
Just think where you 'good' europeans would be without these 'wretched' Americans. And BTW, europeans are taxed to support all those classical groups, whose concerts only a small minority attend. We could do that.

auslander raus!!
Schubert, the individuals of whom I speak are anything but "stupid". They are brilliant thinkers and successful musicians who understand the impact that recorded sound had on what in the past had been, for the masses, a common pastime: learning to play a musical instrument, performing for each other at family and friendly gatherings, as well as having much more knowledge about music in general than the average person today.

Anyway, I am sorry that your admitted old age, or some other factor, has caused you to seem so bitter and negative (what you call being a "realist"), but while I usually welcome a challenge as far as discussions on this forum go (right, Rok?), my gut feeling is that I should stay away from this one. Or, is reliance on gut feelings also something that only Americans do? BTW, not being American born, I have in-depth understanding of at least two nationalities and their traits, and I assure you that it is not only Americans who indulge in wretched optimism. Try it, you might like it.
No chance, last "optomistic' German was Hegel.
The most optomistic american was the one who thought gun control was possible after the slaughter in CT.Or perhaps the one who thought his order of the same Bushmaster model used would be less than the 3 year wait quoted him as he paid double price upfront to be on the waiting list.