Who has dumped the power conditioner?

I recently replaced my mains conditioner, with a high quality power strip.(Oyaide MG).

The sound is now more detailed, dynamics I didn't know I was missing are back, and air and separation have all improved.
I am interested if anyone else has gone back to basics?
Looks to me like a 3-way guerrilla marketing campaign. Sure they know its not considered appropriate, but they are only interested in themselves. They will have dozens of rationalizations, but bottom line is that this is nothing different from Phil (I liked the shaver so much I bought the company) Ronco's approach to marketing....er I mean shameless self-promotion.
I don't question anyone's good intentions here, and I certainly don't question the quality of the product. But it seems to me that as a matter of both common sense and basic good ethics, when a product is praised and the person praising it has a financial interest in its sales, that interest should be disclosed.

And upon careful reading of this thread and the one linked to by Kijanki, I see no denial thus far that such an interest exists.

-- Al
Well that's it then, so let's move on and ignore their comments. I don't think there was any malice intended, just excitement and passion over a product they own and represent...which should be at least mentioned as a sidebar.

Some folks should get a life and stop throwing wet blankets on other people who are enjoying their lives. Seems there is always someone like him at all open forums. I never realized there where so many lonely people out there.