10 percent for cables ???

hi all. query...the general consensus is your cabling should be 10 percent of the cost of your system. with that said i find it VERY diffivult to cable my system within both that directive and my budget. while my system may not be high end i would have to say it is "boutique" and therefor deserves quality wiring. please help. i do have dedeicated ac lines.
my system:
speakers: totem dreamcatchers 4 plus center
amp: jaton operetta
pre: marantz sr-6003
sub: sunfire true eq 10"
source (no flame please) ps3
Where did you get that percentage, and why are you convinced that you would get a worthwhile sonic return by spending a bigger percentage?
I don't think that you can put a percentage on the value of your cables to your components. It is what sounds best on each component, regardless of price. I've read where some people have found a $20.00 power cord to sound better than a $2000.00 one on their amps, for example. Percentage-wise, my power cord on my preamp is 25%, my amp cord=20%,cd player=15%,tuner=75%,speaker cables to speakers=25%. Interconnects are roughly the same %. So you can see that I have well exceeded that 10% figure. Why? I don't know. After trying lesser as well as more expensive cables, this is how it presently turned out. Okay! Call me a cable Junkie. (O:
Percentage of cables vs. system really has no bearing on sound.
Some have much more than 10% invested in cables, some have much less.

Only you can decide what works best for you. Sorry for the non answer, but your question is similar to " What percentage of your house's worth do you spend on upgrading your Kitchen?"

" What percentage of your house's worth do you spend on upgrading your Kitchen?"

Nice analogy, John. (O:

Many would consider that percentage far too high, including myself. I would say 5% would be a good maximum number; I have about 4% in my own system. Put your money into your major components, not your accessories. Wire and cable will not make your system sound better - anything in the signal path degrades the signal. Think of it more in terms of doing as little harm as possible. Buy from the inexpensive end of a well respected company if you are unable to audition - a good and experienced dealer can also give advice in this area, though beware if they talk more about the wire and cable than the major components of your system.