I wouldn't focus on numbers. Buy cables that work well with your system within a budget you can afford and that sound good to you. Take advantage of a good dealer if one is available nearby, who may let you try out cables with a deposit (It would be a nice follow-up to buy from that dealer, of course). If you don't have one then try the Cable Company's lending library (again, requires a deposit). You may want to see if you can tell the differences between extremes, and whether or not those differences are ones worth the price you may have to pay. You may even find that you like the more affordable cable! Then again, you may not be able to live without those $3000 interconnects with the mystery boxes attached. I don't think you should be running zip cord in your system, but I also don't think you need to determine your investment by a percentage. Especially on an accessory where markup can run the gamut right up to the most ridiculous extremes. Per the previous post, buying used and reselling is a good alternative too.