Using different cables for Bi-Wiring

Is it advisable to use different cables (i.e different brands or different models) for bi-wiring or it is better to use both the same cables?
I would say the same cable but not necessarily the same gauge. DH labs bi-wire is 14g mid/tweet and 12g for the bass.
I believe you would find the same principles applied to the wiring inside a quality speaker, ie different gauge wiring is used for different drivers.
..i just recently biwired my piega c-40 speakers and before doing so the aforementioned richard vandersteen article and tried two different my case a crystal cable 'ultra' ..that i already had with an argento 'reference' cable and the sound was not good..then when i then used 2 seperate runs of the argento 'reference' cables the sound was superb...there probably is something to using the same cables for biwiring my case it certainly was the better combination...
I have often used different cables. Since the requirements for the two are different it is hard to see how using the exact same cables would be a great advantage. A much smaller gauge wire will work for the top end than the bottom. But as in every case with wire or cables results will vary with the system.