Which Power Cords: I Need Some Informed Guidance

Working on a system upgrade. I recently purchased:

Krell s300-i Integrated
Cambridge Azur 840c CDP/DAC
Streaming Apple Lossless wirelessly from a G4 Powerbook (other side of the room) into an Airport Express, then optical out of the airport, into a Musical Fidelity V-dac, then RCA into the Krell.
Ps Audio Quintet Power Conditioner
I'll swap out outlets as well...sometime soon.

Looking for Power cords. Something under $350 or so.

Any and all feedback is greatly appreciated.

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I've been on the powerchord train for awhile and just got off. Two Shunyata Taipans for my SimAudio monoblocks. Audience powerchord for my DAC and Audioquest for Sonos. I'm happy with all the choices so far. I notice a much much lower noise floor. Looking forward to the Shunyata SR- Z1 outlets. Those heavy cables can sag from the sockets. Don't forget your outlets guys!
Why doesn't anyone use or recommend SR Master Coupler any more? These cords were among the first aftermarket cords that became popular. I still use 2 on my digital front end....just curious.
Tvad is right on with his statements. And in my experience
replacing the stock powercord makes a bigger difference
then interconnects or speaker cables. The trick is to
find the right one for each piece. I have a Krell and
a Unico Int amp and the powercords that each of them
like best are different and cross switching them yields
poorer sound for both amps. Truly maddening..

Upgrade Powercords seem to do some or all of the following:
1. Filters out A/C noise
2. Rolls off the highs OR tips them up.
3. Tightens up the Bass
4. Speeds up or Slows down the music's pace.
5. Becomes Capacitive which I believe is what increases dynamics.

Lot's of F'n voodoo going on here for sure..
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