VPI phono cables. Is there better synergy?

I currently have a VPI Scout with VPI's own phono cables connected to my pre. As most manufacturers will tell you, their line of cables work best with their brand of electronics.

I was thinking of trying something from Crystal Cable to see if there is an improvement. The rest of my cables are currently Audience AU-24. I have aftermarket power cords feeding all components.

Has anyone experienced any specific cables which easily outperform the VPI ones? Are the VPI phono cables really the best choice for the money?

Your constructive thoughts are appreciated.
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I used VPI phono cables with my TNT for over a year. Based on recommendations from two fellow Agoners, I tried a set of Purist Audio Venustas. Probably the most significant change I've experienced switching cables. I did cook them before use, so that probably helped. My initial reaction was a totally quiet backdrop. Ultimately, they were just better across the entire frequency range. Bass was especially improved. I'd recommend them heartily!
I used to have same VPI cables with my Aries 3 TT, then tried Cardas Neutral Reference phono cables and Cardas stays. Better everything !!!
You won't be disappointed.