Shunyata ICs and speaker cables anyone?

Any experience with those? I mean everybody talks about their power cords - what about the ICs and speaker cables?
IMO, Shunyata has a tendency to remove the excitement from the music. I've had the IC's, PC's and conditioner products in and out of a few of my systems and they always cast an unavoidable darkness or clostrophobic nature to the sound. Boxed in and contained sums it up for their sound. Even their dark field elevators darken the sound...many returns on this item. Systems need balance and very often respond to a blend of cables. The Cable Company is your go to place for experimentation...let your soul be your guide and take what ever any of us say with a grain of salt. There are many high end reviewers that have tin your own:O)
I agree with Dave b,trust your own ears.
It can be quite frustrating and expensive running around in
the cable puzzle palace.
I have never liked the IC's and speaker cables before, but I had the occasion about a month ago of hearing the new interconnect (the Aeros) on a system at Audio Connection in Verona NJ with Quicksilver V4's and Audio Reseach Ref 3, Audio Research CD7 with Proac D38's (proac speaker wire) and I must say the sound was tremendous. Wide open sounstage, tuneful and tonally correct. Much more transparent (with weight and tonality) than anything I have heard. I also heard the Proac's with the Primare integrated and cd player with the Shunyata interconnect. Unbelievable difference over the usual wire (well known brand) normally used and a very upscale brand. The only downside to the IC as I see it is the cost.
I use th Shunyata Antares balanced IC. For me is one of the best IC. I compared them with many cables from Audioquest, Harmonic Tech and Acoustic Zen, and the Antares represent a big step up. The only problem with Shunyata is the high cost. But now the Antares is discontinued, so you can buy used at very affordable price.
Hope this help you.