06-24-09: Dave_b
Rova and Jadem6, despite my love of Spongebob and a good laugh once in a while (even a not so good laugh), my experience with cabling has been vast and with a ton of varying gear. That said, I hesitate to pontificate because I know the fallacy of trying to pin down a moving target. The list of attributes you are listing heavily overlap the domains of the ancillary equipment /speakers involved, let alone the room/environment and accessories.
Absolutely, all parts of the system affect the end sound; some to a greater degree than another. If you read my post closely I readily addmitted the attributes I chose were not cable specific but generic. Do other components have a greater influence than cables, sure.
The adult thing to do is.....one more time.....call Robert Stein at the Cable Company and ask for advice, then try as many cables as you want before you then buy what works for YOU!! No variables, no hyperbole, no bad jokes, nothing but real cables in your system with your ears. End of story =:- )
Really? So the only opinion that counts is Robert Stein's? {No disrespect to Mr. Stein who I don't know personally.) I do agree that the only opinion that really counts is your own, after hearing the cable in your own system. However, if I follow your reasoning then we could just eliminate the discussion forums altogether. After all there is no point discussing cables as there can be no common point of reference. The discussion would be totally pointless so just get cables from Robert Stein and don't bother talking about it.
I'm not naive enough to think we can absolutely pin down any component, never mind cables, using a subjective system regardless of how precise we make the words. However, I can see the benefits of hobbyists sharing their experiences with each other. I was only proposing we come up with some common languages and / or common scales with which we have these discussions. I find that when many users have positive things to say about a component then there is probably something good up with that component. If most of those users mention a common characteristic then there's a pretty good chance that I would find the same thing in my system (certainly not a guarantee though).
Is there a problem with sharing our experiences with each other?
Anyway, for my choice I prefer Zero-va speaker cables and Zero-va interconnects. Why? Because I designed them and I built them and they work fantastic. 'nough said!