How do MIT and Transparent cables differ?

These are both "networked" cables.
How do these two differ or are they more alike than different?
How does the sound of network cables differ from conventional cables?
>the advantage of networked cable(s) are much better resolution, detail, extended highs/lows, depth and soundstage.<

This is an opinion not a fact.

Cables are system and listener dependent.
Audiofeil is correct. Transparent uses a very simple in line filter approach, while MIT uses a more complex patented "out of the signal path" group of technologies. I heard some $100/pair cables that sound as good or better than some $6k plus cables...system matching and personal listening preferences dictate alot!
Actually the founders of Transparent Audio broke away from MIT.

Their networks differ mainly in bandwidth. TA believes in limiting it, largely to the audible range including some overtones, while MIT believes in extending it as far as possible. Both are careful with component impedance matching and despite their diametrically opposed philosophies can perform beautifully. In the right system.

So I must agree with Audiofeil.

That said, I also found that several non-networked cables worked better in my system with my ears. So networks, like materials, geometry, dielectrics, shielding, terminations etc. of the same caliber are not necessarily an inherent advantage but must be evaluated with the gestalt of the cable.

And any component is best evaluated with the gestalt of your system.
Transparent used to manufacture MIT cables. At some point in early 90s, they decided to launch their own line of cables.
Brisson took his toys and went out on his own. Transparent had invested in cable manufacturing so they had to come up with a cable design to market. They chose a simpler, in line low pass tuneable filter approach which rejects UHF interference and lowers the noise floor substantialy. MIT or Transparent will of course give results that are influenced by the system their in:O) I have a pair of Monster M2.2s spkr cables and SP1000M5 proline IC's patched in right now in place of my favorite Transparent and MIT stuff...pretty damn sweet! Cost for the Monsters is around $500 vs $20K for my other rig.