Anti-Cabls Ic's alternatives?

I have Anti-cable speaker wire in my system and really like the way it sounds. I'm thinking of also buying the anti-cable ic's to upgrade my Kimber PBJ ( these ic's sound very glaring to me, especially in the vocals).

My only concern is someone mentioned that anti-cable Ic's are unshielded and this can cause problems. Should this be something to worry aboout? I'm not too familiar with the argument of shielded vs non shielded so bare with me.

If someone has a better recommendation based on my sysytem then feel free at your suggestion and how it bested the Anti-Cable

NAD C525BEE > Kimber PBJ> Denon PMA 2000ivr> Anti-Cable> PSB Stratus Mini and PSB Image b25
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Tvad, I will stand down on the subject of measuring resolution. It is far more complicated, and not fully reliable than I had been led to believe.

On SACD, DVD-A, you are wrong. I have proved it on my system numerous times. All oversampling and upsampling players suck. There is no more accurate term. The highs always sound contrived. The stage is shallow, and short. The mids are always grainy. They all support the generally their bad reviews compared to vinyl here and elsewhere.

My Audio Note DAC is an AN in name only. It has been reworked to get rid of the choked, rolled off British sound they all have, down to their most expensive AN DACs. The stock Audio Note house sound is partially accomplished by utilizing frequency limiting diodes, for instance.

My AN DAC sounds natural. When called upon, it can bring the house down with orchestra crescendos at full cry. Then, it can gently finesse a delectable classical guitar solo. Everything sounds the way they are.

This system will go on show. It didn't happen this year due to last minute snags. Next year we will put all doubters to rest. I will happily entertain anyone's vaunted SACD player, or obscenely priced SCs. I can guarantee any taker, you will all go away deeply embarrassed.
>>09-18-09: Muralman1
Tvad, I will stand down on the subject of measuring resolution. It is far more complicated, and not fully reliable than I had been led to believe.<<

To the contrary, it is very simple.

Resolution is not measurable.

I would stick with the Anti brand if you already have and like their speaker cable. IMO you can't go wrong with the same brand wiring your entire rig. Likely, you'll be fine and experience no RF interference. I myself run unshielded cabling in my entire system (one brand also) and have never experienced any hum or RF issues with a number of different components, both SS and tube.

Anti has a return policy, no? Nothing to lose and worth trying I would think.