Best path to test different interconnects?

Just wondering what would be the best place in your system to try different interconnects? I have 3 different sets i would like to try but none are matching, xlo , tara labs rsc 2, and some signal wires. Would i get no real change if i only swapped out the set from the pre amp to the cd player and left the same set between the preamp and the amp. Do you need 2 sets of each kind to truly listen for a difference. Hopefully what im saying is making sense. Which path would make the biggest effect in swapping. I would think from the cdp and the preamp. thanx for any info Kevin
It is extremely frustrating because cables really do have an impact, and there's no guarantee that someone else's experience will hold up in your system.

I've had good experiences trying to find others with similar gear and listening tastes and finding out what they've had success with. A lot cheaper to build on other people's experience first, then narrow down the list of alternatives to a set you can listen to yourself.

Once in a while I get caught up in the enthusiasm about a wire, only to find that it works very differently in my system. Cable lending, audio clubs, and the cable company might also be good resources. Do your research first, and I think you'll find something you like. Don't just assume that what you have is pretty good without trying some alternatives.

Hope this helps!
Great suggestions so far, unfortunately in my experience you simply have to live with them for a while, what may attract you initially might not work for you in the long run. Also, your mental state changes over time, when your in the mood for music your system usually satisfies, when you not at that same level you tend to look for something to get you there and become more engaged to the system rather than the music.

Here's my final theory on cables - they are tone controls for one (at least they are capable of changing the sound) and way easier to swap out and cheaper to experiment with than components, cartridges, tonearms, tables, order to attempt to improve you sound.
i've been doing IC tests for weeks and still haven't figured it out. though i did then doubled back and discovered i didn't (due to break-in changes mainly then speaker relocation). good advise above. lots to learn if you're new at this (like me).

can't say it's fun but it is very enlightening. had no idea IC's could have such an impact. i'm slowly getting it all sorted out.

things i've learned and my newbe tips would be

1) make sure system is in it's final position
2) make sure IC's are broken in
3) take your time and listen. there is no hurry
4) research and read up. lots of knowledgeable folks here and elsewhere with great input/advise/direction

good luck
i'd like to make two points. a cable sounds the same regardless of where it is placed--component or stereo system. it is the same cable in stereo system A and stereo system B. It is the same whether it is connected to CD player A and CD player B. A cable is a catalyst. you will not hear the sound of the cable, but rather its affect upon the sound of a stereo system.

secondly, there is another way to evaluate cables which has been completely overlooked. I can't take credit for this. it was suggested to me by the president of Wireworld.

i expect the audio purists to crticize this approach because of the female-to-female connector.

here it is:

Connect cable A between CD player and preamp. listen. next, take cable B, use a female-to-female connector, insert at end of cable A and insert cable B between connector and preamp. Note differences between the sound of stereo system with cable A and cables A & B. Also, note that cables may be directional. When listening to a cable, listen in both directions--speaker or interconnect.

there is more to this approach, but i hope the possibilities of this approach may provide an alternative to the usual mode for cable testing.

has anyone ever tried this approach ??