could a different power cord cure sibilance?

recently upgraded my phono pre to an AR PH3SE modded by Great Northern. In a different league from its predecessor, a stock EAR 834P, but now there is too much sibilance on some vocals (e.g., on Thriller or MFSL Amercian Beauty). Definitely caused by the phono pre. I understand that the tubes used could contribute to excess sibilance, have tried various types, and will try others. Could the power cord affect this too? It's about the only other variable. Currently using Signal Cable Sivler Resolution pc. Recommendations welcome.
Lloyde if it gives you any comfort you are not alone. I switched from the phono stage built into an ARC SP 6B to a supposed giant killing Graham Slee Amp 2 SE.I too have sibilance whereas I didn't before.
I can't fault the power cord because the Graham uses a wallwart step down transformer. (That sounds like something very fancy -hi end and seriously important - for a wallwart!) I'll bet that switching your cords around won't make it go away.I'm guessing that you might find a minor ameleoration but not an eraser.
I was also told to change the loading . I don't know exactly what that means or has to do with sibilance.The little phono box might have some dip switches but certainly no external control over the load. I was told that the "load" was the resistance in Ohms that the cartridge outputs to. As few as 47 for a real low MC and 47,000 for any MM.I am clueless about the other parameters.
I bought the amp 2 SE because it was suggested by the manufacturer for HO MC carts. I have a Dynevector 20X HO it's an MC. I suppose that it is meeting an MM load of 47K. This is clearly the root of all evil that I hear from my analog rig.
Good luck on your path ending in a Manley Steelhead with it's myriad of adjustable parameters.
New phono pre? Check electrical cart loading. The VTA is a mechanical adjustment.
What Daverz said X3! Even more so if you are using a moving coil cartridge.

It appears that your EAR had an input impedance for moving coil cartridges of 515 ohms. See the last paragraph under the sub-heading "The Inside" in this review:

Your ARC phono stage has a default input impedance of 47K (47,000 ohms), assuming it wasn't changed during the modification process. It includes provisions to change that value, I believe by inserting resistors of the desired value internally.

Moving coil cartridges (assuming that is what you are using) usually require a low-value resistive load (tens or hundreds of ohms) to dampen what would otherwise be a high frequency resonant peak. That peak is often at inaudible ultrasonic frequencies, but associated with it would be a frequency response rise in the upper treble, that would, among other things, over-emphasize sibilants.

This paper is somewhat technical, but is worth skimming through:

So the bottom line, assuming you are using a moving coil cartridge, is to change the resistive loading to around 515 ohms or to some other value within the cartridge maker's recommended range.

If it is a moving magnet cartridge, then load capacitance becomes important, as explained in the Hagtech reference, which would also have effects on the upper treble, although to a lesser degree under typical circumstances.

-- Al
1. Maybe the new component has subtly changed the tonal balance ?

Sometimes a leaner bass may also manifest itself as a more forward overall sound, bringing into sharper focus other tonal characteristics.

Experiment with a little larger Toe-out on the speakers
This will also create a wider sound stage.

Also try moving the speakers back a little towards the wall / corner.

Careful speaker positioning can do wonders, and IMHO is one of the most neglected solutions...
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