could a different power cord cure sibilance?

recently upgraded my phono pre to an AR PH3SE modded by Great Northern. In a different league from its predecessor, a stock EAR 834P, but now there is too much sibilance on some vocals (e.g., on Thriller or MFSL Amercian Beauty). Definitely caused by the phono pre. I understand that the tubes used could contribute to excess sibilance, have tried various types, and will try others. Could the power cord affect this too? It's about the only other variable. Currently using Signal Cable Sivler Resolution pc. Recommendations welcome.
1. Maybe the new component has subtly changed the tonal balance ?

Sometimes a leaner bass may also manifest itself as a more forward overall sound, bringing into sharper focus other tonal characteristics.

Experiment with a little larger Toe-out on the speakers
This will also create a wider sound stage.

Also try moving the speakers back a little towards the wall / corner.

Careful speaker positioning can do wonders, and IMHO is one of the most neglected solutions...
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As I recall, the Dynavector 20xh is designed to work into a 47k load. Mine does.
You might want to let the new phono pre breakin for about 300+ hours before you change anything. Every time you try different tubes you have to give them time to breakin. Even if you put the old ones back in after a few days again they still have to breakin. Location to other equipment can also cause issues you discribe, because it has a high gain stage. Are the wires routed the same way, the ones coming from the arm to the phono pre could be picking up external noise.
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