Black Sand Cable Power Cords How Good?

How good are the Black Sand Cable power cords? I want to upgrade my stock power cords on my integrated amp and cd player. I have been reading some very positive comments on these cords. I would appreciate any comments from current and previous owners. Budget around three to five hundred for each cord. Thanks.

Plinius 9200
CDP:Naim CD5I-2
DNM Speaker & IC cables
Speakers:Dynaudio Focus 140's on sound anchor 3 post stands
I really like Kaplan cables. The copper cord is pretty much a "universal" cord that can be used anywhere. Clean, clear, with great tone.

Tweekgeek on this site sells them. Try before you buy.
As above -

Krell Man provides a link to a dagogo review of the Stage III Concepts PC. These PC(s) are outstanding, costly yes, delivers the musical goods, absolutely!