Best Power cord for McCormack DNA 225 or 250

What are some of my options for the best power cord in the $250-$400 for the McCormack power amps. I am running a CJ tube amp in front of it. I was considering PS Audio Perfect Wave, Kimber PK10 Gold, and Acoustic Zen Tsunami 11. Any suggestions would be much appreciated.
The Audience Powerchords are great, I've used them on everything. I think they sound best on amps, although I've heard people claim they preferred them on digital equipment.
Thanks for the response Ff116. Do you know of any particular model in the Audience Line that is in that price range?
You may also want to consider the Vh Audio Flavor 4 p/cord..Well within your price range and can upgrade the ends if you wish too...Very nice neutral sounding power cord,which is designed for amp on a dedicated line...Great reviews also.....